Sunday, November 22, 2009


A prostitute is the only person who can't be sacked for lying down on the job. Ireland is full of prostitutes, politicians, civil servants, teachers and others, you know who you are, by no means all employed by the state. The take the money, but they're only interested in themselves, not the people they are supposed to serve. And why can't they be sacked? They made the rules, the prostitutes.

This is a country run by, with and for prostitutes, a high-class brothel. (That is not to say that some of the prostitutes don't have hearts of gold, but what can they do, they work in a brothel). Going through the motions is alright if you work in a sewer, but not elsewhere. To use a vulgarism, if you treat people like shit, you are shit. Or, to put it more politely, you are how you treat people.

Try putting others and the purpose of your job first, for a change. That would be a big change. Is that too much to ask? If it is, fuck off, you fucking piece of shit. Otherwise, welcome home.


When I showed the above piece to Conan the barman, he said it was bitter. "Not bitter", I said. "Angry", he said. "I am angry", I said. Later, I thought I could have asked him if he had a daughter this high, holding my hand somewhere above the ground, and she was raped. That's how I feel. Furious. Cold fury. "Everywhere, the ceremony of innocence is drowned" - W.B.Yeats. Children have to brought up in this corruption, where corruption is treated as normal. The powers that be are a corrupting influence, corrupting the young. Innocence is raped.

David (with stars in his eyes) ****

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