Friday, November 13, 2009

Dublin Damnation

Wed 11/11/09
Wed 11/11/2009

To A Certain Person and everyone else


My blog now has thirteen posts on board, the most recent being one suggested by you.

What I am doing and saying and writing appears an inchoate, formless mass up to this point.

My blog is evolving, and so am I, along with it.

Bishop discovered, put away, two books on blogging, one of which we have now a second copy, but it may be returned to Hodges Figgis, he has a good relationship with them, because he buys many books there.

This appears to be the case.

When you start a blog, you must get it connected (to the outside world).

Your idea of submitting it for an award is a good one.

It seems to be the case that there are several awards and several directories, to which people go, and to which a blog should be connected.

Then, the blogger (me, in this instance) should read other blogs, leave a comment on them, and point back to my own blog.

By the quality of ones comments one is judged. If people find you

readable, they will want to read more.

Here is an insight.

If you want to be listened to, you must listen to others.

Tell Oominor I said she does not need to reply to my agency request, I must learn that (some) people mean what they say.

Your brother, whom I call Skywalker, made some pertinent comments, which I have taken on board.

As regards that insight above, someone else said it first, in these words 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'.

We must discover truths for ourselves, but we may share insights.

As regards getting the whole hang of this blogging thing, I understand things in terms of principle (there is no other way), once you have grasped the principle everything else is obvious.

We do not understand in terms of what but of why. Explanations given

in materialistic terms are not explanations. A (very) good book on

blogging remains to be written.

First comes an overview, then a judicious mixture of what and why, this is difficult to explain, it is an attempt to explain explanations themselves.

What is always, and should always be treated as, subservient to why.

What serves the purpose of why. Purpose is paramount. Or, to

put it another way, there must be a reason for our actions. Poor

teachers put what first, thinking, if they think at all, that knowing is understanding.

I will leave you on that note.


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