Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Dialogue

Person One: What do you call a black man flying a plane?
Person Two: I don't know.
Person One: A pilot, you racist.

Person Two got the answer wrong because he or she treated it as a trick question.

Life is not a trick question. It is a dialogue between you and God (who may or may not exist). You provide the answer in how you live, your life is a one-act drama. You believe or you don't believe, choosing quality or quantity, the choice is yours.

Why is racism wrong?
Because it is materialistic. It treats quantity as all important, whereas quantity is merely that through which we must see quality. Quality counts.

It is fun to ask my first question of a politically correct person, and hear them saying they don't know. After giving the answer, tell them "You are not supposed to differentiate".

Note how I proceed from the specific to the general, and back again. GO TO THE WELL FOR WATER _ BRING IT HOME_ THEN DRINK IT AND LIVE ON> ELSE YOU MAY DIE OF THIRST>

(The last part printed in large capitals because I pressed some fucking wrong key on the keyboard, I am typing this in the semi-darkness).

Politically correct people, when asked a question, ask themselves 'What answer am I supposed to give?' instead of just answering the question. They are modern brainwashers.

Too-clever-by-half people treat every question as a trick question, whereas every question deserves only one answer, a true one.

Preserve us from people who are all knowing and no understanding.

In eternal terms, the answer to the question which we are posed is a simple one, the question is the answer. Frame your answer in terms of the question, each question, large or small, must be answered on its own terms. Each detail is part of the whole.

Much of life is made up of apparently inconsequential trivia, but do not mistake appearance for reality. Reality is the essence or meaning of the real.

The real is that through which we must perceive reality and there are none so blind as those who don't want to see. See not the thing, but the meaning of the thing. In broad terms life, in narrow terms you or the thing perceived, and may they be as one. See them as such and act accordingly.

This comes in dribs and drabs, and I pass it on.

My search is a search for clarity, in, of, through, and with expression, a search for clarity itself.
A litany of prepositions.

May I and my writing be true in preposition as in verb, the greatest of these is the verb to be which, as you may have noticed, is an irregular verb.

We all have our own way of being and being true. The truth is extraordinary, giving the lie to the ordinary.

That the ordinary and the extraordinary may be one, that is my prayer.

I will leave it at that, lest I go on too long.


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